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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Again , about love

In My last entry I said I was going to talk about what was NOT love , however as I thought about it I realized that all one has to do is watch the 6  O'Clock news . There will be lots of unloving stuff there!
I feel the need to discuss that love is most well served when we attach something to it .Like action... We can say we love everyone or everything but not showing something that demonstrates that love doesn't do much  . Ist John Ch 3 - V 16 states This is how we know what love is ; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And In Ist John Ch 3 - V 18. Dear children let us not love with words or tongue but with action & truth.
Love requires action if we are to demonstrate Christian values . It's simple, a phone call to someone who is sick, a card of thanks to someone that has been kind to you, a hug for a friend, an offer of a helping hand , a gift, Groceries for a family in need , on and on... Love needs to be demonstrated in action . We live in a culture that has become selfserving, we live in little boxed worlds that don't reach out to others and its time to get back to the good neighbor mentality  and start changing the world, one good deed at a time.... Until next time  May God richly Bless you....

Friday, September 17, 2010

What is love ?

What do you call Love? Well Love is Patient 1Cor 13 V's 4-8 It is Kind , It is Humble,Its Not self serving but serves others. A person that loves puts others before themselves.A person that has love in their life has a Christ like attitude. They comfort others. they help others at all costs.They listen to others with compassion and kindness,they have a heart after God!  Next time we will look at what Love Isn't!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Children of today

In Proverbs ch 22V;6 Its states Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it!
 I wonder, when I see so many undisciplined children , what will become of them when they are older.
 I hear of  some  children in schools that  are hard to teach because they have not been taught Boundaries. They are also not taught how to deal with disappointments. then when they become adults they become unglued when they have to face hardships or disappointments.
We as parents have the responsibility to teach Bible principles to our children so they will have the knowledge to conduct their lives in a productive honorable  manor.
Jeremiah Ch:17 V:10 I The Lord search the heart and examine the mind , to reward a man according to his conduct. according to what his deeds deserve! Read the Bible to your children , dicipline them and teach them that disappointment's in life pass, and to look forward to what Gods has planed for them !    Until next time may God give you his wisdom!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Feel Like things are comming against you?

In these troubled times ,it seems negative stuff just pile up! One thing after another and far too little positive happenings!
Isaiah ch 54 V 17 states No weapon forged against you will prevail and will refute every tongue that accuses you . This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,this is their vindication from me!
When times are hard we have a tendency to think God just doesn't care about my little troubles ,he has bigger fish to fry. YES HE DOES CARE ! 2Nd Cor Ch 10 V 4 says , The weapons we fight with, are not the weapons of the world, on the contrary,They have Devinne power to demolish Strongholds V5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that set its self up against the knowledge of God and we take CAPTIVE every thought to make it obedient to Christ . The evil one gives us suggestions that are discouraging in nature . He loves to tell us we have failed, things will never get better ,its all our fault .. The bible says he is a lier the father of lies, don't except his suggestions ,those fiery darts . Stand against them God is on your side . Give the problem to him he will carry the Load, all he asks is for you is to trust him and he will see you through! Until next time may God richly Bless you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Services of the Church

We will discuss the order of Church services. They vary from denomination to denomination and fellowship group . However for the most part they are Worship,Prayer, and the word of God... I will attempt to discuss each part separately and what the functions are for the believer . First let us look at worship , some call it song service ,but In my opinion it should be worship not just singing happy songs and when I get to Heaven...Our Mind set should be on our heavenly Father in Praise and adoration for all he has done for us! Heb 12;28 States
Therefore ,since we are receiving a Kingdom that can not be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God!
2nd Samuel 22:50 states Therefore I will praise you O Lord among the nations, I will sing praises to your name!
1St Chron: 16:23 Sing to him,Sing praises to him,Tell of all his wonderful acts..
We must have our minds and our hearts in tune with our Heavenly Father in adoration and honor. Next time we will discuss Prayer until then may God keep you in his care & Bless you!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are You A Light ?

Matt 5:V14 Jesus said , You are the light of the world. Matt; 5: V 16 In The same way let your light shine before men,that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
In many cases we are the only Jesus some people will ever see . They may not attend a church or even have a Christian background . Our lives , and how we conduct our daily life can be a mirror of the light that Jesus talked about in the scriptures . The charactor of Jesus must be a strong influence on everything we do or say .. If we miss represent our Lord it could be a stumbling block to those that don't know Jesus as Lord .. On the other hand if we represent our Lord well ,it may be the drawing process That brings an unbeliever to the light... Like a Moth, drown to the light in the darkness ,may we be the light that draws men and women to Christ.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Earthquakes in Various places!!

In the Bibles Book of Matthew Chapter 24 V 7 It states Nations will rise against nations,and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and EARTHQUAKES in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains..Jesus himself spoke of what to watch for in the last days before the tribulation and the rapture of the church.. We as Christians need to be mindful of these difficult times, as they are a sign of this age in time to close . Pray for love ones , neighbors, and friends that they will come to see the times we are living in. Pray also for the people of Heiti !
I will continue thoughts and signs of the end times ...Untill next time , May God bless you as we await for the return of our Lord and savior Jesus ,King of all Kings!