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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are you worried?

Matt: 11 V28 states, Come to me ,all you who are weary and burdened & I will give you rest.
So many are struggling with keeping up with , job loss ,and the cost of living in general. We understand .We live on a retirement fixed income . Our hearts go out to the ones that have lost their jobs, and even their homes. I find comfort in the word of God! Have you ever looked up all the scriptures that speak of Gods love ? There are more then any other as far as I know. God Loves us, he cares about our struggles. In Phil. Ch 4 V: 19 he states , My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Trust God ,he is our father, he will see us through this economic mess .He, and he ,alone has all the answers! Until next time may God keep you in his care!