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Sunday, December 20, 2009

2012 the end or what??

We hear so much about 2012 ,that one wonders if it is correct, or just another crazy idea. I intend to go over the scriptures in the bible for then next several entries and we shell look what God has to say about this subject... Then you can draw your conclusions.
I will start with Matt. 24.37: As It was in the days of Noah so will it be of the coming of the Son of man. Continue to read on your own to V;44
First of all , we need to look at the culture in that day , It was evil, lawless, ungodly to name a few, And today all one has to do is look across the Internet to experience filthy language , Porn, gambling , just to name a few.. The same scenario! God cleansed the earth with the flood , what will he do next... So many scriptures address this. Remember Noah warned the people of the coming disaster but they wouldn't listen, just as there are scoffers today ! There is a change coming and isn't with Obama... The Lord has his warnings in the Bible, but also his shelter and escape ... 2012 ? Well we will not know the day or the hour , but the time and the season. We will have evidence of a change coming. Next time we will discuss this further... until then ,May God Keep you in his care!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is God in Control ... you Bet he is!

As we look around us , we hear about political upheaval, children getting snatched away from their family's , people out of work and wars. One has to wonder what in the world is going on?
My heart breaks at some of the stories I hear when I get prayer requests...The Bible tell us it rains on the just and the unjust and God is no respecter of persons ,but we still ask why.. Perhaps its not for us to know in these last days.
I think ,if all this grieves me ,what does it do to God own heart.. In second Corinthians V: 3 the bible states : Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of compassion and the God of all , (V4) Who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
We need to ask our heavenly Father for the comfort he freely gives those who sincerely ask of him.
We may not understand the times we live in but God does and he has a plan that includes you and me! Until next time, may you go in Gods peace

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Choices we make!

Have you ever thought of the choices you have made? Well I have , and some blunders too. It's funny, when at times, I knew they were wrong ,I did them anyway. The results wasn't always good either! In a culture where moral decline is everywhere it seems that the wrong choices are easier to make ,after all the responsibility of ones actions just isn't there anymore. It's a do it anyway culture or if its isn't lawful just don't get caught!
God gives us choices, free will to choose what we do with our lives. In Joshua Ch. 24 V. 14 now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness . Then in Ch. 15 It states : But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourself whom you will serve. Then on in the scripture it says : but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord ! Yes It's not so popular to be a christian in some places but think ,if what the Bible says is true ,and where you spend eternity is made by the choices you make in this life then where will I go ,to Heaven when I die or to hell? The choice is mine! Until next time may God lead you in his pathways.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Wars, wars, and what next?

In Matt; Ch 24 V 6 & 7 the Bible states , You will hear of wars & Rumors of wars but see that you are not alarmed ,such things must happen ,but the end is still to come ! Nations will rise against ,kingdom's. There will be famines and earth quakes in various places.All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Having had children ,I know the signs of pending birth and as a Christian we need to know the sings of Jesus return for the believer. In Matt. Ch 24 V 27 it states, As it were in the days of Noah so will it be at the coming of the son of man.
God caused the flood to cleanse the earth of mankind's sin but spared Noah's & Family as he will the family of God just before the great tribulation! Are You watching and are you ready? Until next time , may you seek the freedom and blessing of a life through salvation in Jesus!