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Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have had days ,weeks and even months when things just went wrong. One recent week was when a tree fell on the house, the electricty went of and the weather lingered at over a 100 dereesein drough conditions. The thought came to mind : Im having a JOB week .
  Why do bad things happon to good people ? Some times our Heavenly Father allows difficult things in our life to test our love for him, do we see a big problum and a little God or do we see a big God and a little problum ?
 Job was a rightious man but God allowed him to be tested by satens devices. Job suffered increadable circomstances but he stood the test and was blessed for standing and not giving in to his circomstances.
 Now our trials are not uasually directed by saten. They are the trials of life that come our way to mature us,build our faith to trust in our Heavenly Father and some times to spank us becuse we are not on the right path or doing something that is perhaps sinfull. After all God does not want spoilt Kids. What would happon to our children if we never diciplined them ? Would they mature into respectfull ,Loving, Careng , God fearing adults? These trials are allways for a purpose that we need in our lives.
 The Apostle Paul had many trials. In Romans ch 5 V 3 and 4 he says: V3 We can rejoyce too when we run into problums and trials,for we know that they help us develope endurance V4 and endurance developes stringth of character  and character stringthens are confident hope of salvation.
 There are also times we have troubles becuse our Hevenly Father wants us to see that there is something in our life that should not be ,like a bad habit ,Greed, lack of patience, selfishness ,or God is trying to move us from point A to point B .
 Timothy Ch 2 V 23 says  Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from these things , he will be a vessel for honor, sancified, usefull to the master, prepared for every good work.
  Another reason for trials in our life is that we have moved away  from Gods grace. Have you ever thought how little you read the Bible, prayed, or went to church when things are going along nicely? . But as soon as things start going wrong we run to God for help . WE need to have a constant realationship with our Father in Heaven after all Jesus our saviour paid the price for our sins so that we could have a realationship with the father ,Son and Holy Spirit.  
  PLease Note Im having computer problums No back space and no spell check working please forgive the type ,spelling errors ..But felt the need to publish .

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