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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The decisions you make

I recently visited a young man that was injured on a ATV last summer. His spine was damaged in the accident and he lost the use of both legs. Fortunately Now, he has regained the use of his right leg and can twitch his left leg ever so slight. This tell us his damaged nerves are mending and there is hope for him to be able to walk again. In our conversation we discussed how he has changed his thinking due to his circumstances. When he was well all he thought about was having fun and a good time, he says now, all he can think about is being able to walk again. A good time is past tense.
Our everyday decisions , can drastically alter our future whether its starting a new job, what we do for recreation , what company we keep and what life style that company partakes in . Even small simple decisions we make, Driving too fast, not eating right or keeping the wrong company can change us for a lifetime. In 1st. Cor: 10 V. 23 the Bible states Everything is permissible -but not everything is beneficial.Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive.. We need to weigh all the risks and benefits in all we do so we make the right decisions . Because what you decide may last a lifetime Good or bad! Until next time may God richly Bless you

Friday, April 18, 2008

Foods in the bible

Recently I decided to do a search on Bible foods I found: Grapes, wine, Olives, Olive oil , wheat ,pomegranates, I saw on T.V the other day a Dr. saying that two ounces of pomegranate juice in the morning and two oz in the evening will remove all the plaque in ones arteries. It takes only three month to remove the build up of years! I some how believe that the foods in the Bible had all that one needs to remain healthy, anyway here are some more foods Figs, Dates, honey, fish, Barley, Almond, milk, beef ,lamb & mustard... I'm sure there is more.. In First Cor V 19 : Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy spirit,whom is in you Whom you have received from God?You are not your own; V 20: You were bought at a price therefore Honor God with your body. Admittedly I like junk food but I refrain from it as much as I can. I am reminded to show God respect so I need to eat properly and take care of the temple of the Holy spirit.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Mirror

Looking in the mirror this morning and inspecting my ageing face, I consider what improvements I could make ,wrinkle cream, new hair color . I have decided that getting older isn't for the faint of heart.In fact getting older in my view is down right disgusting! Which brings me to the word of God concerning the mirror! James :V;22 Do not merely listen to the word,and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says V:23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror V24: and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. V:25 But the man that looks intently into the perfect law that's gives freedom and continues to do this,Not forgetting what he has heard, BUT DOING IT--He will be blessed in what he does. What a marvelous promise!
I rejoice that the word of God will never age but will be the same for ever. Unlike the face in the mirror I observed this morning. May God bless you until next time......

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obedient Children

I have had grandchildren visiting . My little granddaughter at four years old is smart as can be. But she has a rebellious streak. When she wants to do something she is sweet as can be but when she is doing her own thing and you want her to be cautious and careful because it mite be dangerous for her she pretends she doesn't hear you and just goes on doing what you don't want her to do.
I was thinking how much that's like us . when we know something isn't pleasing to our heavenly father and we hear that still small voice , we pertend we don't hear it and go on doing what is dangerous for us. In First peter Verse 14 it states: As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires when you lived in ignorance.V 5: But just as he has called you as holy,so be holy in all you do. We need to listen to the voice of right and wrong in our hearts ,as it will keep us out of a lot of trouble! Until next time May you be listing for the voice of our Heavenly Father and may he bless your day

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Does the world seem dark to me?

At times I tend to see my glass half empty then half full,and with all the stuff in the world going wrong with the war, families killing each other, Gas prices ,and life in general, I realise I'm looking at the wrong source for encouragement and strength . I need to see my glass as full not half of anything, and the world as not bl eek but with Hope for the future. In psalm 119:105 It states Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.So when I feel like I'm in darkness I need to go to the bible for the light. John 8:12 When Jesus again spoke to the people he said:I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. This is such a comfort to me! Until next time May God bless your day!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are Gods Children

I often think how insignificant I am in this big world of ours . Thinking who am I in this great system we call life ,but God reminds me from his word In First John Chapter 3 :1 How Great is the Love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! and that is what we are! God knew us before we were even born and Loved us so much he to gave his Son so that we mite be redeemed unto himself. Until next time May our Father richly Bless you!