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Sunday, June 30, 2013


Through the years of observation, I have come to the conclusion that there are three catagories that can come under the heading of Christian, but note a title does not necessarly discribe the believer. Its the life style that does!
  The first group of people who claim they are a Christian ,Are the ones that say I believe in God, but don't have a clue who he is. They celibrate Christmas, recognize Jesus's birth, buy new clothes for Easter, have an egg hunt for the kids, and mayby, go to church once a year on Easter, but live no different then a nonbeliever.
 The second group of people are the ones that may go to church but their motives are because it looks good just in case anyone is noticing their life style. They may pray , especally when things are going wrong, They may even thumb through the Bible and read it ocassionally if they have done something that is on their mind and want to ease their guilty conscience. They may even teach a class, or have the pastor over for dinner, because, again , it looks good! However, their life style during the week isn't any different then the nonbeliever.
 THE THIRD Group are the REAL BELIEVERS. They are the born again Christians, In John, Chapter 3, Verse 3, Jesus said : I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom Of God. Are You asking what is born again? It's when a person accepts the teaching of the Bible and asks Jesus to take control of their lives and come into their hearts, asking forgiveness for their sins, and recognizing that Jesus died on the cross in our place, and accepting his sacrifice for us. This begins a new life, and a born again experience, old things are passed away and a new way of thinking begins. The Lord then begins to change us from the inside out and we become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Thus, a Born again believer, we change our life style, fellowship  with other Christians , learn about the word of God through the Bible, change old habits that are sinful..., A new life emerges, a new hope of eternal life with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, a new peace grows in our hearts!        Until next time, keep near to God