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Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Choices we make!

Have you ever thought of the choices you have made? Well I have , and some blunders too. It's funny, when at times, I knew they were wrong ,I did them anyway. The results wasn't always good either! In a culture where moral decline is everywhere it seems that the wrong choices are easier to make ,after all the responsibility of ones actions just isn't there anymore. It's a do it anyway culture or if its isn't lawful just don't get caught!
God gives us choices, free will to choose what we do with our lives. In Joshua Ch. 24 V. 14 now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness . Then in Ch. 15 It states : But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourself whom you will serve. Then on in the scripture it says : but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord ! Yes It's not so popular to be a christian in some places but think ,if what the Bible says is true ,and where you spend eternity is made by the choices you make in this life then where will I go ,to Heaven when I die or to hell? The choice is mine! Until next time may God lead you in his pathways.

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