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Monday, July 5, 2010

Feel Like things are comming against you?

In these troubled times ,it seems negative stuff just pile up! One thing after another and far too little positive happenings!
Isaiah ch 54 V 17 states No weapon forged against you will prevail and will refute every tongue that accuses you . This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,this is their vindication from me!
When times are hard we have a tendency to think God just doesn't care about my little troubles ,he has bigger fish to fry. YES HE DOES CARE ! 2Nd Cor Ch 10 V 4 says , The weapons we fight with, are not the weapons of the world, on the contrary,They have Devinne power to demolish Strongholds V5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that set its self up against the knowledge of God and we take CAPTIVE every thought to make it obedient to Christ . The evil one gives us suggestions that are discouraging in nature . He loves to tell us we have failed, things will never get better ,its all our fault .. The bible says he is a lier the father of lies, don't except his suggestions ,those fiery darts . Stand against them God is on your side . Give the problem to him he will carry the Load, all he asks is for you is to trust him and he will see you through! Until next time may God richly Bless you!

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