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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Again , about love

In My last entry I said I was going to talk about what was NOT love , however as I thought about it I realized that all one has to do is watch the 6  O'Clock news . There will be lots of unloving stuff there!
I feel the need to discuss that love is most well served when we attach something to it .Like action... We can say we love everyone or everything but not showing something that demonstrates that love doesn't do much  . Ist John Ch 3 - V 16 states This is how we know what love is ; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And In Ist John Ch 3 - V 18. Dear children let us not love with words or tongue but with action & truth.
Love requires action if we are to demonstrate Christian values . It's simple, a phone call to someone who is sick, a card of thanks to someone that has been kind to you, a hug for a friend, an offer of a helping hand , a gift, Groceries for a family in need , on and on... Love needs to be demonstrated in action . We live in a culture that has become selfserving, we live in little boxed worlds that don't reach out to others and its time to get back to the good neighbor mentality  and start changing the world, one good deed at a time.... Until next time  May God richly Bless you....

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