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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gods Grace, What is it ?

 Defination; To favor and to give benefits.

 I look at grace as Gods Mercy to me as unworthy as I am, he still sent his only son to redeam my sorry soul becuse he loved me so very much!
 Redemption is someone else paying for a debt I owe personally. Just like someone else paying off my credit card debt . I carried the debt of sin in my life and in order to have that removed God in his Grace and mercy sent his son to pay the price for my sin with his life, allowing me to be sin free as long as I accepted the fact. With out that payment I would carry my sin, or debt,  into eternity. What is required in return is to turn my life over to the payer of my debt, who is Jesus,the one who died for all mankind's debt.
 In The Bible, John Ch. 3 V 16 & 17 tells us that For God so loved the world  that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. V 17, For God did not send his son into the world to condem the world but to save the world through him.
 Yet Mankind still refuses to see God's grace becuse they think their life is good enough the way it is and they think they will never have to be accountable for their actions or debts of sin. However some day they will be held accountable, but if  you have allowed Jesus to pay your debt of sin, you are home free, so to speak. If you haven't ....Eternity is a long time to be seperated from anything good. Your soul ( Your personality) will live forever someplace . The best place is with Jesus!
 Until next time, may you find God's Grace through Jesus Christ our savior...

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